The ongoing crises in the world have made for a challenging year and yet, we all remain hopeful for 2024. The war in Ukraine, Hamas, mass shootings, climate change and another presidential election have many of us worried.
The holidays can make some individuals sick or stressed. My coworker told me, “I feel like I could have a heart attack with all the prep I do for my elderly mother and I.” People of other faiths or those that don’t celebrate may find all the decorations and non-stop music overwhelming.
Many find their adult years difficult if they had wonderful holidays as a child. For others, unhappy holidays growing up or stressful family dynamics can bring back painful memories. Estrangement from family members and the passing of relatives can leave a gaping hole.
Instead of trying for a “Hallmark Christmas,” how about thinking of ways to plan for a productive season and New Year. Let’s think about the making it the best holiday season we can.
Some Tips:
We don’t have to conform to one image of Christmas. This may mean dropping commitments that no longer serve you or coming up with new traditions.
Manage expectations and set priorities to avoid overwhelm.
Set up parameters for your gatherings: Do you want to leave the latest political saga at the door? Do you want to create a fun atmosphere that is upbeat saving politics and world events for another time?
Loss of Control: Try to remind yourself to do your best with what you can control. Perceived loss of control can be harder than actual loss of control.
Diet and Alcohol: Beware of diet and eating during the holidays. Some people eat a light meal before they go to a holiday party, or they limit their alcohol intake to control stress and irritability.
Plan out the final weeks of 2023: Have a spouse, friend, children or relatives help you by delegating tasks. Have everyone bring a dish and one gift to exchange to avoid one person doing all the cooking or gift shopping.
Plan a low stress activity at the end of the holidays. This can be a reward to everyone for taking part in making the holidays more doable.
Happy Holidays and Have a Safe New Year!